Bettering Myself

I have recently been thinking about ways I can try and combat my rather frequent depression. I have already engaged a new therapist, and will bee seeing someone new for medication management as well. Other things I am thinking of are in an effort to form some healthy habits or distractions.

This month, I made a challenge to myself in the spirit of NaNoWriMo, to write a piece of fiction, no matter how big, every day. I’ve been doing very well so far, I think. I missed one day due to poor focus and heavy depression, but I’ve made thirteen total so far! My shortest fiction post had 625 words, and my longest post had 1,633 words. My weekly tallies can be found here, but the total so far this month is 13,830 words and 13 pages.

I’m hoping to try and continue this to some extent after the month is over, though I may shorten it to only a few times a week – I haven’t decided yet. I’m thinking that for next year, I’ll try to do the reading challenge goodreads puts out every year. For those unfamiliar, you basically list how many books you would like to try and read in a year. You find those books on the site, add them to a ‘to read’ list, and when you complete the book, you mark it as read.

I’m thinking I’ll aim for 12 to make about a book a month, and probably work on re-reading and catching up on The Dresden Files (including all the short in-between stories). I haven’t read a novel in a while, I don’t think – not since I did a re-read of the Mercy Thompson books. The most recent book at the time was Silence Fallen, so the re-read was probably 2017.

I think that possibly starting next month (it just feels awkward to start something in the middle of a month) I will again maybe try to do a ‘divination a day’ thing, by pulling a card in the morning and seeing what guidance it offers and yes, hopefully get into the habit of actually practicing witchcraft. I may also work on having a mood tracker again, but I’m not certain about this since I already have a private blog for catharsis.

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