I’m Bad At Titles

I’ve been sleeping better at night since getting my new BiPAP mask. The last couple of days, I’ve definitely been less tired, though I’ve still needed to stretch out.

Gaming yesterday went ok for the most part. Still too much distraction coming from the youngest players, so I need to try and say something about that, again. We took a break to spend XP, which was expected, then glossed over some downtime before picking back up. Need to talk to the two youngest as well about engaging with everyone more. Five players, and two of them don’t do much. *Sigh*

Other than that, I’ve been trying to behave about the game being run for me. I do technically feel bad for my ST, but I enjoy being able to play, too. Which is why I’ve tried making suggestions, including inviting a player we’d previously booted from a previous game, if it would make things easier on them.

Not a lot else really going on. Mainly, just typing this up to get the Write quest off my to-do list for today.

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